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Center for Ministerial Training
In 2008 when we returned to the States after more than two decades of ministry in Spain, we quickly discovered there is a tremendous need here for preparing Spanish-speaking ministers to reach the 250,000 Hispanics who live in Minnesota.
So we began the Bible institute, and it grew very rapidly. We did not have to advertize at all. Students themselves would invite friends who likewise felt God's call on their lives to preach the Gospel.
So we began the Bible institute, and it grew very rapidly. We did not have to advertize at all. Students themselves would invite friends who likewise felt God's call on their lives to preach the Gospel.
Teaching and Mentoring
Pastor Pedro, like many of our students, is already in ministry, but needs more training. Nearly all those who study in our Bible school are busy with jobs and families in addition to their ministries.
It's a sacrifice for our students come to evening classes for two hours each week after a long work day, but they are, without exception, excited to learn. For us, it is a tremendous joy to teach and mentor scores of Hispanic ministers who are passionate about winning souls and planting new congregations! |
Flexible and Economical
Your prayer and financial support of our ministry is bringing lasting results!
Drawing on our many years of pioneer missionary work in Mexico and Spain, we are now ministering to these Hispanic Christian leaders in the States. We have issued a challenge to our Bible school students to pray about starting new daughter church projects before the end of 2012. Many of our students have taken our words to heart, and we are already receiving exciting reports about what God is doing through them. Please pray for our students and for us as we teach them.
Student Testimonies
Edgar and Alva live two hours from our nearest study center, and they are among several of our long-distance students who connect to the classes via Internet video conferencing. They have just finished their first year of studies with us. Recently they informed us that they soon plan to start a new congregation in southern Minnesota in either of two places where opportunities have arisen. Praise God for Edgar and Alva's vision and willingness to serve God!
Gloria (left): "I have been evangelizing a neighborhood in the city, and I now have 12 people meeting in a home for Bible study."
Patricia (right): "God has helped me put an evangelism team together, and we are going to start a church." Gloria and Patricia are fearless evangelists and women of great faith! |
Samuel and Maggy: "My wife and I trying to plant a daughter church in a neighboring town here in Central Minnesota, and a few people have gotten saved. Others from our church's evangelism team are helping us disciple them. We are also using video-Skype to hold regular Bible studies live via the Internet with our parents back in Mexico, whom we are helping to start a church that meets in their garage. The things we learn in the Bible school, we are passing on to them!"
We thank all of you who pray for us and give to support our ministry! May God bless you richly!
Jim and Martha Towner P.O. Box 23640 Richfield, MN 55423 |
To support our ministry, click the button and select "Towner, Jim & Martha" from the list of missionaries. You can set up easy auto-pay donations. Or if you prefer, you can send gifts made out to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061, Designate on the check memo "Jim and Martha Towner, #131"